Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day 2

10, 596 steps!


it's so easy getting my steps in when I work at setting up the rummage sale in the HOT gym. I'm hoping that I'm sweating off some pounds too while I'm in there lol
Tomorrow I'm taking a day off from setting things up so we'll see how I do...I plan on being lazy because my whole body hurts. Bending and picking things up have taken their toll on my back and legs. Not to mention my ankle has been swollen every day too...ugh.
Being fat and getting older sucks....

Monday, August 1, 2016

It's been a YEAR?!

It's already August 1. School is about to start again. Along with all the stress of morning routines, where uniforms & shoes are each morning, and juggling my ME time and time spent volunteering(mostly)/working at the school. And yes, I tend to put others/the schools needs b4 my own.

I'm hoping to get better with this. I need to find myself again. I have become a person I'm not so familiar with...emotionally & physically. There's going to be A LOT of changes coming and I'm hoping that I can keep them up.

Today, August 1, I walked 9,856. It was pretty easy because I'm setting up the school rummage sale this week.
So my goal is to walk 248,000 steps this month. Or 117 miles ;)
That's 8,000 steps a day if you break it down.

I've got to get moving. It's been really HOT this summer and I think I've gained weight from not doing much. It's embarrassing when people think you're pregnant and you have to embarrass them too by saying, OH NO! I've just gained a lot of belly weight recently. No chance of that happening. Sorry!!!
And I'm done not being able to fit in some of my clothes.


So I'm getting back on my Plexus also. I tried to start it a few months ago but haven't been doing it daily. Well, it's back to it now. Starting my day with my PINK drink, Slim, and ending with my Pro Bio.
AND lots and lots of WATER!!

So let's do this!